Noki returns to London Fashion Week for SS24 featuring the Tin Can Custom Crew & the Super Scratch Sunday’s, a fully working art installation investigating what is NESTT.

This is a sustained work in progress process between stylist Kim Howells, hairdresser Nick Irwin and the textile collage artist Noki Custom NHSt. Each element brings forth their own unique creative process to produce a show that the Noki NESTT student will academically adopt by blueprint custom replication to better forward these sustainable processes to push the evolution of the sustainable expression for the future of this 21st Century style. *** **** have been found flattened by the process of the constant heavy traffic on the road, **** for ***** & ***** packets have been gathered from various bulging kitchen drawers and graffitied with Noki checkerboards to emulate the glitch of digital disorder in social media combined with the infamous Noki custom brand mash up style giving a nod to armour security and custom protection.

In this NESTT Mash Up mix, Nick Irwin brings his many years of international Schwarzkopf hair excellence with his own unique teaching process, exposing on the runway for the first time the foundations of how to build a hair colour and cut for deep follicle NESTT experimentation. The rave waits for absolutely nobody as dominated by the JBL handheld freedom speakers by the Tin Can Crew, interacting with the static Super Scratch Sunday’s scratchers creating a unique audience audio experience, sourcing for that sweet spot mash up /sound clash.

International stylist, creative director Kim Howells brings her cherry on top PROCESS, coordinating these raw Noki NESTT manifestations on a cast of community street muses for her NESTT catwalk 2024 runway show.
Not until you own your own unique PROCESS can you proceed with originality and authenticity.
A very special thank you to all our sponsors involved from vintage textile donations from Re skinned & Jacalope, crushed cans from The Whent which were saved from last season’s show, crocheted by Rockey from shredded T-shirts to LegoZyg’s centurion helmets and archive masks to the rejuvenation of hip hop caps by the Capitation to academic analysis by the Fable foundation.
Thank you on a personal level to my support system from mum and dad and family, Mr Paul, Steven Phillip, Natalie Khan, Tara St Hill, Jonny Woo, Mr Saus Herbie, Zyg, Mr T, Elinor Renfrew, Ashley and Shanai.

Artist – @nokiofficial
Styling – @kim_howells
Hair – Nick Irwin For Schwarzkopf @schwarzkopfpro
Show DJ’s – @super_scratch_sunday
Sponsored by – @jblaudio_uk
PR –
Photography – @chrisyatesmedia
Show Producer – @vikkiburns_
Sponsor – @martinprofessional
Sponsor –
Sponsor – @the.whent
Sponsor – @legozyg
Sponsor – @thecaptician
Sponsor –
Sponsor – @chartydurrant