It’s 6:30pm and a big party bus just drove by whooping, with partiers thrusting out of the window, putting little smiles on the couples next to me at the cafe. Across the street a waiter with immaculate posture is carrying two plates down the street to the tables illuminated in the garden beside the Restaurant Vita.
Copenhagen is a wonderfully clean and organized city with a fun-loving population who can enjoy topless tanning, swimming in the canals, bike lanes, public drinking, and even a legendary lawless area gated away in the city. This is my second time here in the summer covering for Fashion Week Online and I couldn’t wait to touch down.
In front of me beside Vita there’s an art supply store called Viking, reminding everyone of the nation’s roots, and sporting the motto “Be brave. Be a Viking.”
Like all properly brave cities, Copenhagen has organized itself a Fashion Week meant to rival all others, steeped in their values, and showcasing designers brave enough to take on the competitive world of fashion design (and marketing).

While the unique talent is always the base of all fashion weeks, Copenhagen has made sustainability a requirement and a therefore a guiding theme behind the showcase.
During the 4 days of shows, I had the pleasure of discovering NYNNE (think knitwear dresses), Wood Wood (streetwear), Saks Potts (sophisticated cool-girls) and Henrik Vibskov (textile design for all ages) first-hand. These shows were all wildly well attended by influencers and fashion lovers from around the world. I also noticed by talking with the guests that one brand I wasn’t a aware of beforehand, Jade Cropper, was making a buzz for her modern take on women’s streetwear. Nordic brands in general have a great level of recognition in the department stores I visit in Paris and London, their influence is spreading worldwide. They are big names like Ganni, Rotate, Skall Studio, Samsøe Samsøe, Stine Goya, and many more. What people may not know is that the brands form their own collective, a movement against fast fashion and towards a more sustainable future.
As a foodie I wouldn’t be able to wrap up my thoughts on Copenhagen Fashion Week without mentioning that the cinnamon roll I’m having with my oat latte here is, believe it or not, far better than any I had in paris. The Danish take their baking very seriously from what I’ve seen. They also take their fashion industry seriously as we all should since what we wear plays a huge role in our lives and in our environment. My word of advice, if you’re following the new fashion season by season, do not miss the brave new world Copenhagen is presenting, and you will find in the collections stylish, wearable pieces that will last you for a long time to come. That’s the best thing we can look for from designers in my opinion!

Until next Fashion Week,
Lavish Assistant